Hawthornden Brooklyn Summer 2025: Writing Residency for Teachers

Monday, August 18 - Friday, August 29

Hawthornden Brooklyn invites applications from writers who currently teach in New York City public high schools to participate in our Summer 2025 Writing Residency.

Hawthornden Brooklyn supports established and emerging creative writers of many kinds – poets, novelists, biographers, short-story writers, playwrights, scriptwriters, essayists, creative nonfiction writers, and translators. During the two-week non-residential residency, Hawthornden will provide writing space, a stipend, meals, and time to focus on writing projects. Writers will have an opportunity to connect with other writers, benefit from peer-supported activities, and participate in valuable and collaborative shared experiences. Each participating writer will be offered a stipend of $2,000.

For more information on Hawthornden Brooklyn, please visit our residency page

Application Opens: March 3rd, 2025. Click here to apply

Deadline to Apply: April 1st, 2025

Eligibility guidelines

  • Must currently be teaching in a New York City public high school.

Policies and Requirements

All writers in residence must adhere to our Code of Conduct, which can be found here. Each writer will be expected to be present at the house Monday through Friday. The house will be accessible on weekends as well. 

To apply, please:

Fill out this application form.

  • One recommendation letter is required. Please include the contact information for your recommender in the application form. Hawthornden will issue the recommendation form directly to your recommender. 

  • The residency application form must be submitted by 5PM on Tuesday, April 1. 

  • The recommender form must be submitted by 5PM on Friday, April 4.

Click here for Young Writers’ Workshop